NCR: The War Against Our Lady and Womanhood Marches On

COMMENTARY: Sadly, the anti-Mary ideology continues to send the message that nothing is sacred, the profane is just as good, and that women’s power is in their sexuality.

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By Carrie Gress

It is a curious thing that whenever Christianity recedes, paganism ascends. It is like a jungle that knows no boundaries, pushing its way into where ever there is a vacuum created by the absence of the Truth.

Our new paganism has steady characteristics that took root in the 1960s. 

As I explore in my book The Anti-Mary Exposed (TAN Books 2019), we live with a cool and edgy cocktail of Marxism and the occult. Women have been drinking it up ever since, with men either embracing it or left unsure how to counter it.

The radical feminist movement messaging has changed slightly over the years. The early years were spent convincing everyone that men had better lives outside the home, and that women too ought to join in the fun and get out there. Women, because we aren’t men but are trying to become like them, were given instant victimhood status, which has since justified the killing of 3000 unborn children each day in the United States. “If men don’t have to have babies, we shouldn’t either,” goes the logic. Meanwhile, the patriarchy continues to be the bogeyman, oppressing the heck out of all of us. Erstwhile pop star Madonna summed it up neatly with a recent tweet:

The Patriarchy continues to try to crush my neck with their heavy boots, cut off my life force and take away my voice—Even those who call themselves artists..............You know who you are!!! DEATH TO THE PATRIARCHY! Now and Forever.


Posted on September 27, 2021 .